Rep Matters Approach

When a BIPOC student is given a foundation in Eurocentric technique such as Stanislavski, along with Eurocentric characters in scenes written by Eurocentric playwrights, the student’s physical/vocal choices and diasporic, nonwhite impulses may be unintentionally colonized and therefore restricted. I introduce tools to decenter the colonial epistemologies within the Stanislavski Technique Method of Physical Actions and its components that are potentially points of disconnection for the BIPOC actor. This work is informed from Indigenous Studies of the Americas, non-Western psychology, and praxis through the work of Chicana scholar Gloria Anzaldúa and her theory, Conocimiento.

Rep Matters Lecture & Workshops


This lecture will focus on the journey of why and how to use non-Western psychology and Conocimiento theory with Stanislavski actor technique.

1 Hour — $125


This workshop is both a practical and creative introduction to tools to decenter the colonial philosophies within the Stanislavski Technique of acting using Anzaldúa's Conocimiento Theory.

4 Hours — $500
6 Hours — $800

Rep Matters - Introduction FOR INSTRUCTORS

This workshop offers actionable ideas for text work, casting, voice, and consent practices while offering decolonial approaches to current Eurocentric method.

6 Hours — $1200 Resources Included

Rep Matters 1:1 Coaching

Get a personalized training experience with the options of check-ins to help you reach your acting goals.

Weekly Sessions

If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs, Rep Matters Acting coaching might be the right step for you. Book a free consultation today.

Free initial consultation
$30/hour sessions

(Need Based Accomodations Available)